Heroes is an American science fiction serial drama television series created by Tim Kring, which premiered on NBC on September 25, 2006. It tells the story of individuals who discover that they have superhuman abilities, how they adapt to the changes these abilities bring, and their roles in preventing catastrophe and saving humanity. The series emulates the style of American comic books in aesthetic style as well as storytelling, using short, multi-episode story arcs that build upon a larger, more encompassing arc. According to Kring, he and the writers "have talked about where the show goes up to five seasons." The first season attracted an average of 14.3 million viewers in the United States and received the highest rating for any NBC drama premiere in five years. The first season's run consisted of 23 episodes with 24 episodes ordered for the second season. The second season of Heroes premiered on September 24, 2007, but only eleven episodes have been broadcast, due to the current strike by the Writers Guild of America. The dispute has also led to the postponement of a six episode spin-off, Heroes: Origins, which was originally expected to air in April and May 2008.
Some People Are Born To Be Extraordinary As a total eclipse casts a shadow across the globe, a genetics professor, Mohinder Suresh, is motivated by his father’s mysterious disappearance to delve into his missing father’s secret theory – there are people with unique and special abilities among us. They thought they were like everyone else, until one day they woke up with unbelievable powers. In New York, Isaac Mendez, a struggling artist with a bad drug habit, is able to paint the future, while Peter Petrelli, a young dreamer, works to convince his brother, politician Nathan Petrelli, that he can fly. Across the states in Texas, a cheerleader, Claire Bennet learns that she’s indestructible, but is unaware that her father, Mr. Bennet lives a double life that’s twisted deep into the world of these heroes. A Las Vegas single mother, Niki Sanders, is doing her best to raise her son Micah, but is haunted by her mirror image, all while dealing with her fugitive husband, D.L. Hawkins, who has eluded authorities a handful of times. In Los Angeles, a beat cop, Matt Parkman is able to hear the thoughts of others, which helps him to track an elusive serial killer. Across the globe in Japan, a young office worker, Hiro Nakamura perfects his gift of stopping time through his strong willpower. As the lives of these heroes are chronicled, as well as the lives of others like them, they each must follow their own path in realizing the extent of their abilities. But as their lives intertwine, they begin to grasp that their ultimate destiny is to save the world.
Heroes Trailer
Friday, February 1, 2008
Posted by Pakkapon Termsubsarn (Gong) at 1:04 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
My First Blog on E-Commerce Class
This is my first BLOG. People have asked me for years why I do not start one. Seriously, I did not have the time and I did not realize its importance. I now realize that there is so much information that I come across that is truly useful and I do not always have time to write an article. In many cases the ideas do not require an entire article anyway. Blog seems to make a lot of sense as an actual time saver for me. Thanks for reading and I hope all my time and effort helps (or at least entertains) you.
Thank You,
Posted by Pakkapon Termsubsarn (Gong) at 6:31 PM 3 comments
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